Title: Othello (1995)
Rating: 2.5/5
Genre: Drama
Starring: Laurence Fishburne, Irène Jacob, Kenneth Branagh
Director: Oliver Parker
While I understand monologues aren't easy to figure out, but letting "Branagh" talk to the camera the way he was directed made me smile. Why? Because I felt I was watching a silly documentary. It was totally un-called for and un-needed. Another thing, why on earth would a soft-core sex scene between "Othello" and "Desdemona" that wasn't in the play be added? It showed the film to be centered about "inter-racial" relationships rather than its well-known themes of envy, betrayal, racism, love… Also, it's "Shakespeare", the Bard is a master of words, but what would "Oliver" do? He plays the films music instead of letting us hear the words. We only see "Iago" whispering into "Othello's" ears, we hear nothing. Now that just can't be right. Here we have one of the greatest "Shakespearian" in the role of whom I believe to be the "Bard's" vilest villains, and we don't get the opportunity to hear him speak the words. How crude…
While "Shakespeare" can either crush an actor, or can exalt him. "Branagh" was so natural in his role, that all the others seemed amateurs when compared to him. He was so convincing that the moment he makes the pact with "Othello" and sheds his tears; I had a desire to snatch his eyes out! The way he moves, talks, looks, screams wickedness. "Fishburne" was a good "Othello". We believed him as the man whom his life little by little fell to pieces and crumbled in ruins. While "Jacob" was a good "Desdemona", her death scene was really credible and sad; I felt the role was a bit heavy on her. She was passionate and she did sadden me, I give her that, but her delivery of the lines is what sometimes bothered me. Sometimes we notice her accent showing. While she wasn't bad as "Desdemona", I believe "Parker" should have paid more attention to tiny details such as these.
there is a modern movie version of othello, written by brad kaaya that is a must see. check it out then go see the original on stage. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0184791/