Rating: 3.5/5
Genre: Action (Martial Arts)
Starring: JeeJa Yanin
Director: Prachya Pinkaew
Language: Thai
So naturally, the mafia kingpin gets pissed by all this but decides to spare their lives, so long as he never sees them together again. So after one night of passion, the two decide that he should bugger off back to Japan unless they incur his wrath, which would be fine except for the fact that neither of them thought to use protection and 9 months later, out pops Zin's daughter, Zen. A “special” child in every sense of the word, she has tremendous difficulty in understanding base concepts but quickly demonstrates a bizarre talent for her reflexes; her and Moom – a fat kid homeless kid (don't ask how that works) they fostered after seeing him being bullied – taking to the streets to show off her talents. Soon Zin falls ill with Leukaemia,
As you might expect it does all feel like a bit much, and the fact they try to race through all this in the space of twenty minutes does little to help, but as confusing as it is it never fails to be interesting. Part of the films purpose is not just in the action sequences but in demonstrating the capabilities of what the body can do; constantly is it littered with scenes of her in the background doing tricks by bouncing sweets off the bowl into her mouth or catching throwing knives and looking adorably bewildered. That said, it really is the action sequences you should be waiting for, for JeeJa Yanin has her own style to offer; that 'Summer-Glau-from-Serenity' level of adorable insanity combined with ass kicking; her mental difficulties allowing her to look adorable and confused right before she snaps, pulls your trousers down and does a handstand to kick you in the face. There's even a showdown with a boy with his own disability causing him to nervously twitch everywhere; powerful because of his unpredictability, testing her ability to mimic his moves and use them against him. Two 'special children' in a martial arts battle with one another; it actually comes across a lot less offensive than it sounds.
As with all of this man's work all the stunts are real – no wires or camera tricks – and despite a large number of them looking downright impossible, it helps when you realise it took two years of training for her to be capable of doing all this (and if you have the extra's, all the bloody knees and broken bones too); two years well spent, given that her style is distinct enough that I can't think of
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