Birds of America
Title: Birds of America Rating: 3.5/5 Genre: Drama Starring: Matthew Perry “People need to be jolted.” I’m sure many reading this will have a hard time coping with the fact that there is no real plot to speak of. There is no overarching storyline, meandering throughout as we explore a vast array of characters, this film defines ‘character driven’ stories, and each character has enough of an individual character to push this story for its duration. There are morals presented, but never will it be presented in an unrealistic or forced manner, each one presented through the mannerisms of the character in question. The story revolves around the life of Morrie (Matthew Perry), who’s father died when he was 18, leaving him with a dying mother, the house, and the responsibility for looking after his 12 year old sister and 7 year old brother. Having the duties of being a father thrust upon him, it’s not a surprise they turned out a little strange. Move forward 20 years, to when the film takes ...