Butterfly on a Wheel
Title: Butterfly on a Wheel Rating: 4/5 Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller Starring: Pierce Brosnan, Maria Bello, Gerard Butler “Who Breaks a Butterfly on a Wheel?” It is that simple question, first written by Alexander Pope that forms the core intention behind this film. For those unaware, as a capital punishment a ‘breaking wheel,’ was used well into the 19th century. The guilty party would be strapped to a large wooden wheel, arms and legs outstretched, and the wheel spun violently until the bones in your body snapped and you died from your injuries – a process that could often take days. Even then it was considered an unfair punishment in proportion to their crimes, and was reserved for the most heinous of people. The question proposed is who would take something delicate and beautiful and break apart the bones keeping it together until only the disfigured remnants remain? A picturesque family, Abby (Bello) the housewife contently looking after their daughter whilst the husband Neil (Bu...