Title: Zombieland Rating: 3.5/5 Genre: Action, Comedy, Horror Starring: Woody Harrelson, Jesse Eisenberg, Emma Stone Director: Ruben Fleischer Perhaps it was the healthy dose of drink ingested during the film, or perhaps it was the company I kept (though my money’s on the booze), despite a pessimistic prediction for yet another Hollywood comedy hot on the heels of the hugely disappointing flourish of seemingly endless teen comedies, my arm was sufficiently twisted into enduring the torture. Except for all my preconceptions, this played out more like ‘Shaun of the Dead’ than another overrated ‘Superbad,’ and whilst not without its flaws surprisingly succeeded where it needed to, creating humour without relying on repeating the same joke. A plot description feels almost superfluous as the concept has been done multiple times before, and the notion of a world filled with zombies with only a few stragglers is not one that warrants particular explanation, and seeing as the nonsensi...