La Traversée
Title: La Traversée (The Crossing) Rating: 4/5 Genre: Documentary Director: Aurélie Du Boys Language: French I believe my great admiration and the status I give to "Yann Tiersen" is no secret, so it is quite natural that I end up watching this film that documents the process of making his 5th album, "Les Retrouvailles", which happens to be one of my favorite albums of all time. The is a work that enters with ease to the heArt. There is no dramatizing or romanticizing what goes on. There is no need to. "Aurélie" simply gracefully moves along letting "Tiersen's" music be the narrative with an elegant use of imagery of "Brittany", of which "Tiersen" comes from and where the album was recorded. With no exaggeration, we see how the man has a beauty of his own and which he reflects in his own music. Naturally we see some bumps along the way, yet naturally they are overcome to produce such a remarkable work. Starting wit...