Title: Ravager Rating: 1.5/5 Genre: Sci-Fi, Horror Starring: Juliet Landau, Bruce Payne, Yancy Butler Director: James D. Deck It has been some time since Landau stole my heart as the delightfully insane “Drusilla” from Buffy/Angel, and her presence was surely enough to make me want to bump this on my list. Sadly, her role seems to be rather minimal, which comes as a shame given that her character could have lent something interesting to the plot, which is after all is said and done, almost completely devoid of interesting occurrences. Interestingly, it also features “Robin Sachs,” who also can claim Buffy as his claim to fame, playing the minor character of Ethan Rayne or “Ripper” there, and a supposedly brilliant doctor here. Or at least, he would be a brilliant doctor if he wasn't addicted to futuristic heroin. But let me back up for a moment to explain what it's all about; being a sci-fi flick, the best place to hold it naturally is aboard a space ship. Destined for...