Scott Pilgrim Vs The World
Title: Scott Pilgrim Vs The World Rating: 2.5/5 Genre: Action, Romance, Comedy Starring: Michael Cera, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Kieran Culkin, Ellen Wong Director: Edgar Wright When my sister downloads a film to my computer whilst I'm out I kinda get the hint that she recommends I ought to watch it at some point. Couple this with a number of recommendations, people raving about how spectacular a visual feat it is and how my geek bones should be quaking at the very prospect and somehow it seemed inevitable that I'd see it eventually, but the pessimist in me was mentally preparing for the worst. My experience with re-creating 'graphic novels' (I'm sorry, they'll always be comics to my mind) has never gone down well; my general disinterest in the source seeming to filter through into its re-imagining and resulting in something I can't help but wish I hadn't bothered with. With the memory of the ridiculous “300” and boredom at “Watchmen” immediately...