Grave of the Fireflies
Title: Grave of the Fireflies Rating: 5/5 Genre: Anime, Drama Director: Isao Takahata Language: Japanese September 21, 1945 That was the night I died. I can't remember the last time I watched a film that was reputed to be a 'classic' and 'one of the best' and actually agreed with the critics. Certainly it's one of those few times I've been so moved by a film for which there's hope for more than a handful of people to have heard of it, which in itself is quite surprising given that it's a Japanese film set in WWII; a war in which most of the worlds English speaking population were on the opposite side of, but it's strength is not in pointing out blame. If not for the distinctive Japanese scenery this is a tale that could easily have been set anywhere else, with nameless countries fighting an unknown enemy. It never feels even the slightest bit “anti-Western,” but simply anti-war, and even that sentiment never feels pushed on you, instead...