Turtles Are Surprisingly Fast Swimmers
Title: Turtles Are Surprisingly Fast Swimmers Rating: 3.5/5 Genre: Comedy, Drama Starring: Juri Ueno, Yu Aoi Director: Satoshi Miki Language: Japanese It may have been a while since I last dived into this directors work, having previously been enchanted by his gentle brand of comedy in “Adrift in Tokyo” and “Instant Swamp,” and this trademark style is once again at play here. Following the story of Suzume (literally translated as 'Sparrow') and her mundane life as a housewife, she feels her life descending into monotony; conversations with her husband degraded to nothing more than “have you fed the turtle,” her childhood friend often too busy to visit and no other events to break up her to day to day life. Stumbling upon a wanted poster for spies, she decides to call and apply for the position hoping for a little bit more excitement, and what follows turns her life around in an entirely unassuming way. The comedy isn't as obvious as many others, even compared to h...