Creature from the Hillbilly Lagoon
Title: Creature from the Hillbilly Lagoon (aka “Seepage!”) (2007) Rating: 2/5 Genre: Comedy, Horror, Sci-fi Starring: Andrew Vellenoweth, Tanith Fiedler, William DeCoff Director: Richard Griffin Duration: 86 mins “It Turns Rednecks Into Deadnecks” Out on “Hillbilly Lagoon,” when they’re not skinny dipping, a group of college students collect data from the water with their wheelchair-bound professor. One of the students gets bit by an unseen fish, but they decide to dismiss the whole ordeal (even though he’s slowly developing gills and webbed fingers!). Meanwhile, a group of hillbillies are being killed off by a giant half-man/half-fish creature in ways too horrible to imagine (beer can stabbing, anyone?). Eventually the fates of these two groups intertwine, some are not at all as they appear, and a diabolical evolutionary plot to turn the world’s population into fish-people is unveiled. But will our heroes be able to foil this evil scheme AND destroy the creature from the Hil...