Darker Than Black
Title: Darker Than Black Rating: 3.5/5 ( Kuro no Keiyakusha – 3.5/5 / Ryūsei no Gemini – 4/5) Genre: Action, Sci-Fi, Thriller Starring: Hidenobu Kiuchi, Christopher Sabat, Jason Liebrecht Director: Tensai Okamura Language: Japanese Duration: (25mins; Season 1: 25 Episodes; Season 2: 12 Episodes; OVA: 5 Episodes) Looking over this in passing it looked a little like an anime version of the hit US TV show “Heroes,” probably not helped by the fact that it emerged just a year after its first season. The thing is, even though both dealt with the mysterious appearance of people with extraordinary abilities; flight, possession, control over the elements and so on; following a large number of characters coming to terms with their abilities and the ensuing reactions from the public, often kept in the dark as much as possible – though in this case little is known about them anyway – this is about as far from such a show as is possible. Rather than dealing with an overarching continuous...