Title: Sublime ( Unrated Cut ) Rating: 3/5 Genre: Horror, Thriller Starring: Tom Cavanagh, Kathleen York, Katherine Cunningham-Eves, Lawrence Hilton-Jacob Director: Tony Krantz This is a film that feels perhaps a little mismarketed, a low-budget horror with little in the way of a budget and outside of a handful of festival screenings, going straight-to-DVD. Anyone at all versed with the genre probably already has some idea of what we should be expecting; if it’s a good quality budget horror I should be laughing for a good portion of the film, and if it isn’t I should be falling asleep, but instead this film falls under a completely different category. This is a horror driven more by a psychological, intelligent aspect than it is tired clichĂ©s and models pretending to act, and whilst the end result is something of a mixed bag theres certainly enough here to keep your brain engaged. The concept is at least on the surface a simple one, following the protagonist George (Cavanagh) for a rou...