Toy Story 3
Title: Toy Story 3 Rating: 3.5/5 Genre: Adventure, Comedy, “Family” Starring: Tom Hanks, Tim Allen, Joan Cusack Director: Lee Unkrich It's not surprising this release is finding its target audience now that they're old enough to have jobs; its been a long time since the trilogy began and its commendable that they take their time with it in order to do it properly, but the side effect is that many who would ordinarily anticipate this release have grown with age. I would have been seven when the first came out, and now this demographic has turned into something rather different, with a different set of expectations from before. Instead of matching this though, the finalé to what I've seen referred to as “The greatest trilogy of all time” - a monumental hyperbole in my eyes – has remained gloriously consistent, capable of still appealing to the younger audience but only interacting with the older on a nostalgic level. For those who are unaware of the basic premise, it...