Blood Moon Rising
Title: Blood Moon Rising Rating: 2.5/5 Genre: Horror/Comedy Starring: Laurie Love, Neal Trout Director: Brian Skiba It certainly seems like Grindhouse flicks are becoming all the rage; first Planet Terror and then Machete, but this hints at something that Rodriguez' offerings didn't: the complete and utter absence of a respectable budget. Mimicking the film reels used in the old 70s offerings, the time period this is also set in comes complete with all the drug abuse, random sex scenes and fake blood exploding everywhere. This should have been something glorious; a film not as much mocking the past but re-creating it in all its nonsensical glory. Vampires, Demons, Werewolves and Zombies coalescing in a whirlwind plot that somehow involves a cursed book that opens the gates of Hell so the Devil – a vampires father, who in turn happens to be the great great grandmother of our female protagonist – desperately trying to use a oddly shaped pendant to prevent hell on earth. ...