Species IV: The Awakening
Title: Species IV: The Awakening Rating: 4/5 Genre: Sci-Fi, Horror, Action, Drama Starring: Edy Arellano, Helena Mattsson, Marco Bacuzzi, Marlene Favela Director: Nick Lyon Call it my guilty pleasure if you will, particularly if you consider im rarely one to follow a series past the first couple of films, but I do hold a soft spot for this quadrilogy. The debut cult classic hitting all the right notes; a sexy and seductive alien wanting nothing more than to bed you and procreate the alien species. The sequel then delivers much the same, and quite frankly the less said about the atrocity that was the third the better, but this one seems to have snuck under the radar. Another episode in this gory sci fi flick about beautiful women wanting to sleep around. I mean surely for the premise alone most guys would be sold. But as the films developed, they quickly realised they couldnt just rehash old concepts, and so returning to the tale years later we find ourselves not dealing with a...