States Evidence
Title: States Evidence Rating: 3.5/5 Genre: Drama Starring: Douglas Smith, Alexa Vega, Maljanda Delfino, Kris Lemche Following the tragedies of Virigina Tech and Columbine Massacre we’ve seen no shortage of films attempting to tackle the difficult subject, from Gus van Sant’s “Elephant” to “Bang Bang you’re Dead,” this film bears strong resemblance to – particularly the latter of the two – such films in the manner it strives to provide a realism, not bombarded with poetry and imagery, but bluntly displaying its point in a forceful manner. It doesn’t take long for the smart protagonist in this tale, Scott (Smith), to unveil his plan to end his own life, and capture his own final moments on film; seemingly he comes from a normal family, and knowing this tape will become states evidence to be analysed by psychologists, he delivers insights into his thoughts. It doesn’t take long for news of his plan to spread around the school, and soon his closely knit group of friends wish to join him, ...