Cannibal Campout

Title: Cannibal Campout
Rating: 3/5
Genre: Horror
Starring: Jon McBride, Richard Marcus, Gene Robbins
Directors: Jon McBride, Tom Fisher
Duration: 87 mins

"Smells like a girl... Tastes like a girl... Hey, look! A womb with a view!"

So, this is, what... my fifth review of a Camp Motion Pictures release? Golly gee, I'm really bringing the quality of this thread down, huh? But there's a method to my madness to be sure. The makers of all these no-budget horror features I'm reviewing are young and extremely dedicated devotees to the genre. The time it took to shoot this movie, according to the director's commentary track, was six months during weekends. Six months without any thought given to distribution or making money. I can only imagine the surprise when the cast and crew realized that the movie they made "just for fun" became a cult classic.

Two couples, Jon & Carrie and Chris & Amy, decide to go camping in the forest. While driving up and singing happy songs in the van, they get into a confrontation with two mountain men. When the confrontation starts getting intense, our campers drive away. They stop far enough away from the incident and hike towards a campsite. Little do they know that they pitched camp near the mountain men's home. And little do they know these mountain men are, you guessed it, cannibals. Their fates are sealed.

Being another shot-on-video production, there are the usual disadvantages present that come with the territory. The acting is cheesy, the direction is not bad but not great, the soundtrack after the intro scene is lousy synth music, and the story is so simple that it's hardly there at all. Yadda, yadda, yadda. I'm sure no one cares how technically bad this flick is. On to the good stuff...

So, you may have noticed in my other reviews (that is if you read them) that I say certain scenes are "unintentionally funny." Well, in Cannibal Campout I mean it. This never happens very much, but there were times when I laughed right out loud at the corny goings-on. On the other hand, the gore is quite nasty and the violence quite sadistic. In fact, the death scene at the end is sure to offend some people with its repulsion and misogyny. Another thing that caught me off-guard was the nudity. You'd think that going topless, and almost naked, for a film crew consisting of only four people in a movie that probably won't go anywhere wouldn't be something a young woman would want to do. Thank God for bravery.

This is indeed one campy movie you can sink your teeth into (booyah, double pun). This movie is meant for entertainment purposes. Anyone expecting anything else out of my reviews is a fool. If you have too much self-respect to give this movie a go, you can always just check out some of Jon McBride's music videos on YouTube for a laugh or two.


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