Hell Girl (Jigoku Shoujo)

Title: Jigoku Shoujo (Hell Girl - Translated Title)
Rating: 3.5/5
Genre: Horror, Drama, Animation
Duration: 25 mins (26 Episodes)
Language: Japanese
Looking Down Upon People and Causing them Pain,
A Soul Drowned in Sinful Karma,
Will You Try Dying This Once?”
It is the rumour that is pivotal to the story, the rumour of ‘Hell Correspondance;’ that on the stroke of midnight, those who bear a deep hatred within them and a desire for revenge are able to access their website and request assistance. If their wish is granted, it is the girl from hell who will shortly greet you, offering you the doll contract with a thin red silk string tied in a bow. Upon untying the string, the revenge will be granted and the victim immediately ferried to hell, but there is a high price to be paid for this service: you will be permanently given the black mark, forever serving as a reminder that when your time to leave this world has come, you are also bound to serve an eternal torment in the bowels of hell.

Fortunately, before my attention had altogether vanished we are introduced to the adorable 7-year old girl, that whilst felt more mature than even the most capable child of that age – dealing with more hardship than she should have to bear – it is her dysfunctional yet endearing relationship to her inadequate father, clearly caring for her but not entirely sure of how to show it, that lends a believable relationship that grounds the series, giving some form of continuity which as it becomes more prominent only improves the quality of the plots that unfold. The second half of the series succeeding in taking us away from the monotony of the main city to new places, unusual situations with original characters, and exploring in far more detail the ‘Hell Correspondence.’ Despite the slow and steady pace, and whilst much of the questions I had about the characters seen were left unanswered, enough information was delivered to give the impression that the answer is simply a matter to be reached upon in due course; just because it has yet to be divulged properly is not to say that it hasn’t already been given an answer.

The soundtrack is for the most part superb; the sounds in the ethereal purple of the underworld absolutely beautiful in the manner it combines with the unusually great care taken with the animation – a rather fortunate outcome given its prominence in the series – and often accenting the pivotal scenes with an array of choral, upbeat, ambient, mysterious and aggressive passages, aptly applied without being used frivolously so as to become repetitive. In fact, the only real complaint as far as this is concerned is that horrendous introductory track that is not only grating and annoying (even considering that after the first few times I only caught the end, skipping through it) but completely unsuited. Can you imagine a J-pop introduction for whatever the most recent Saw film happens to be? I’m sorry, but ‘cute’ and ‘horror’ are two words that do not mix, and it’s a shame nobody else realised that.

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