The Wild Blue Yonder
Title: The Wild Blue Yonder Rating: 2.5/5 Genre: “Documentary,” Sci-Fi, Drama Starring: Brad Dourif Director: Werner Herzog I'd be lying if I said I had anything but big expectations from this. Herzog is hardly a newcomer to film and his work is often nothing if not creative, and with what sounds almost like a spiritual sequel to the superb 'Man From Earth' I was hoping it would re-create a little of that magic, but this isn't a film that readily compares itself to Jerome Bixby's vision. In fact it doesn't really compare to much else at all, except perhaps the unusual 'Koyaanisqatsi' (a silent film devoted to scenes of the natural world, using camera footage alone to make his point) as for most of the film we are given no narration or dialogue to wrestle with, only simplistic footage compiled from a variety of sources in order to further his story. Following the sordid tale of one alien who long since arrived on this planet from the Andromeda ga...