Title: Brick Rating: 3/5 Genre: Crime, Thriller, Mystery, Film-Noir Starring: Joseph Gordan-Levitt, Nora Zehetner An unknown director, a cast of unknowns, and yet a plot idea that couldn’t keep me away; this is no mystery story of ‘who did it,’ but rather uniquely utilising a high school as the backdrop, and those within it as the main protagonists. The manner this was done was not to make it seem ‘smaller,’ or to diminish the characters intellect but rather to provide a change of scenery for a murder-mystery plot that had seen itself worked too many times. Unfortunately, this film probably would have been better without it. It is that fateful day when Brendan (Gordan-Levitt) receives a phone call from an old flame asking for his help, filled with words he didn’t understand and clearly in distress he sets out to explore just what happened. With the help of ‘Brain’ (Matt O’Leary) it isn’t long before he finds her dead along the riverbank. Determined to find out what happened, he soon fi...