Låt den Rätte Komma In (Let the Right One In)

Rating: 4.5/5
Genre: Romance/Horror
Starring: Kåre Hedebrant, Lina Leandersson
Language: Swedish
A vampire film with a love story? I gave it a high score? It is modern? Yes! I have to admit, this probably the best vampire film I saw in a long time, since many classic vampire films. It didn't gather all the clichés we see now from "dark, tall vampire wearing all black", to the "helpless, lonely damsel who happens to fall in love", on the contrary, it abandoned all that to bring us something authentic and worth your time. This is the story of "Oskar", a lonely 12 years old boy living with his mother, who meets and bonds with "Eli", a "girl" vampire who is also "12". Having no experience with vampire film, the director "Tomas Alfredson" focused more on the relation they have, rather the casual vampire subculture we now see.
The best thing I enjoyed in this film is the acting. Unlike films like "Twilight" where the cast is obviously directed to the easily pleases audience and teen-heartthrobs, who of what I've seen are basically talentless, the lead actors here were really convincing. "Hedebrant" did a good job as "Oskar". We can easily believe his sincere relationship with "Eli", and being a kid also, sees thing in a wider view. He doesn't go running around crying when he finds out what "Eli" is, and especially her nature other than being a vampire, but accept it calmly and bonds more with her. "Leandersson" as "Eli" really surprised with maturity she showed, although she was only 11 when she did the role. Watching her returned the vampire appeal to its grim origins, not the gothic subculture we no notice. She was a perfect match for this role. The performance was powerfully delicate, and I expect bigger things for her. My favorite scene from this film is the one where they slept in the same bed together. The whole atmosphere is generally higher than their age, yet the way it was done, it felt pleasantly truthful. Who ever saw, or will see, this film will understand my point.
The director worked well with the writer "John Ajvide Lindqvist", who also wrote the original novel, to make this vampire film a "vampire" film, with a classy touch of romance. I honestly enjoyed the film more for the romance in it, and why wouldn't I? It's that fine! The outlook of this film is gloomy; the location in northern Sweden helped. I enjoyed the attention to some details that I think other directors might have overlooked, like the fact that "Eli" doesn't get affected by the cold, so her clothing isn't heavy. Some slight remarks I have are the little plot holes done, they won't affect us much, but they didn't make the film "perfect". His work IS what modern vampire film directors should pay attention to.
This might possible be the best vampire film from the past decades, of what I saw at least, and one of the best romances I saw. Films like "Twilight" easily appear cheap compared to this, and as always, there's going to be an American remake, which I think it will fail. Recommended to all, especially the ones who are open minded, not the ones who only enjoy a clichéd vampire horror film. The killings here were viewed in an artistic manner, especially the swimming pool scene, and the romance is one of the best I saw. Overall, I don't think anyone will be disappointed from this one.

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